Artificial intelligence for video production

In this historical moment there is a lot of talk about artificial intelligence in the world of creativity, applied to photographic and video products, but generally it is used to produce an almost final result through textual indications or visual references.

We at Kinopatia are approaching the topic in a different way, that is, trying to exploit the potential of AI as a production support. Using AI as if it were a professional who must carry out operations related to creativity, such as shortening the times of repetitive operations such as stabilization.


By having the i.a. carry out morphing operations that would be time-consuming and demanding to complete manually frame by frame.

Sequence processing was reprocessed with AI. both to obtain a futuristic look and to have an interpolation between frames that was as fluid and stable as possible, without masking its use but always keeping it close to the world of animation.


Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for blending between various frames because it creates that typical and now recognized look and at the same time simulates the transitions between one content and another, creating a dynamic and attractive morphing for the viewer.

Colors, lighting, and subject changes so radically but with harmonious passages that create a cinematic progression combined with the potential of animation, transporting the spectator through a journey into the boundless worlds where the mind, now with the support of AI, can take us.