Communicating Nautical Design through Visualizations and Renderings

Nautical and naval sector allows us to develop video projects intended for different purposes, from the visualization of innovative technological solutions aimed at the environment, to applications for smartphones aimed at operators in the sector through projects to safeguard life.

Representation of complex technological systems raises the question of the type of final rendering the video should have. Sometimes the search for realistic rendering does not help to solve the problem of the effectiveness of the video at the level of narration and description of the system itself.

This allowed us to tackle the project while remaining on an aesthetic level with a certain visual impact while favoring the clarity that allows for complete understanding of the contents.

In some cases we prefer to give a more artistic look to describe the applications of a product in the nautical sector, all the elements have a simplified design which acts as a support for the development of the video to give greater prominence to the contents described, with a fresh and contemporary visual impact.

When we talk about safety in work environments and in this case in the nautical sector, we must always keep in mind that the message must be clear and understandable at first glance. The look of our production is dry, sophisticated and technical, avoiding an excess of effects that could distract the viewer's attention

Color choices are different based on the themes covered in the video, in a general way as in the first example below, or if it refers to a brand and a specific environment for which the use of materials and the design of the environments faithfully reflects the reality.

Another theme is that of the visualization of projects in the development phase, as in this case where, not being able to reveal the product because it is in the development phase, we opted for a series of close-up views that describe the shapes, with the support of motion graphics on the details that need to be underlined.